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Outdoor Environmental Education- Where Learning Comes to Life!

The great outdoors transforms science and learning into a hands-on adventure!

Storer Outdoor School: Where Learning Comes to Life! 🌍

At Storer Outdoor School, education isn’t confined to four walls—it’s an immersive, hands-on experience that brings science, history, and teamwork to life in the great outdoors!

Each year, we welcome more than 9,000 students and teachers from 120+ elementary and middle schools for an unforgettable 2-5 day outdoor learning adventure. Our expert educators lead 30+ interactive courses covering natural sciences, environmental issues, cultural history, and team building, ensuring students learn by doing.

The impact is real: Independent studies show that Outdoor Environmental Education (OEE) programs can boost science scores by up to 27% and enhance overall student achievement. Even beyond academics, outdoor education fosters stronger peer relationships, improved conflict resolution skills, and a deeper connection to the natural world

OE Information Video

Contact us today to find out how to get your school involved! [email protected]